Saturday, July 27, 2024

Our Mission Statement:  Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength and with all your mind; and love your neighbor as yourself.  -- Luke 10:27

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Clicking the button above will take you to a secure Vanco web page for giving to Peace Lutheran online.  Vanco is the company that has managed our direct deposit option at Peace for years. 

You may also make donations to Peace by downloading the GivePlus app on your mobile device.


Peace Lutheran Church (ELCA)

830 North Cochran

Charlotte, MI 48813

Pastor Neil Brady


Sunday worship: 9:30 am


PeaceLutheran ColorLogo Grow With Us


outdoor worship 4

Outdoor worship on Sunday, August 25, 2024 at 9:30 am

Dress casually, bring a chair and join us for this worship experience. 



From the Pastor’s Desk…                                        June - July 2024    


Several weeks ago, as I was preparing my message, this specific verse jumped out at me, and has since stayed with me.   

It’s a statement made by Jesus to his disciples; it’s a question I ask of myself; it’s a question all of us should be asking of ourselves. Jesus says,

“yet none of you asks me, ‘Where are you going…’”    John 16:5b

Where am I going… in life?  Over the years I have asked myself that question repeatedly, and I jokingly tell myself, I still have no idea.  But the truth is I do know – and I realize there are hurdles/detours  in life that make it more difficult to get there.  But my faith takes the lead, and in some sense, I can relax – but if you know me, relaxing is not one of my assets.  I am always in need of affirmation – to know everything is as it should be, and to believe that I will get there.

What about you?  Where are you going… in life?  Deeply personal question and unique to each person.  But do you ask yourself that question?  Do you spend any time thinking about it, and what your answer might be?  There are some who just “go with the flow” and life just happens.  How I envy you!  And there are those who are like me – the answers just keep changing.  And that’s okay as well!

This week I have spent some time thinking about our congregation, our ministries, and our family here at Peace.  And I must ask the question – where are we, Peace Lutheran Church in Charlotte, Michigan – where are we going… in our life?  It’s not always a question asked of churches, congregations, or their membership.  But it’s where we have to be– it’s where we are now.  We will be gathering after our service on Sunday, June 2nd, to discuss our 2024 budget and the deficit we are currently experiencing.  It’s not a place we want to be; maybe it’s not even a discussion we want to have.  None of that really matters, it's simply where we are right now – and the question: where do we want to go tomorrow?

In John’s Gospel – chapters 15 and 16 – Jesus is preparing his disciples for where they are going.  Jesus is returning home to our Father, and would be sending someone, an Advocate, to be a presence in their lives. The Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, one sent by God – sent to them, to guide and protect them, to walk with them.  Jesus has fulfilled what he had promised – now the work belongs to his disciples. 

The wonder in all of this is – we do not have to wait, for the Holy Spirit is in and with us.  The Advocate has already been sent to us.  The Spirit of Truth is speaking to us.  But are we listening?  How can we know where we want to go – if we aren’t listening…to God?

Being a pastor does not mean s/he has all the answers – and I most certainly do not!  What I can say, what I can preach, what I can proclaim is this – one word, one belief, one trust:  FAITH.  What I know in life, what I believe in life is this: with anything in life – mine, yours, or the church – there is a reality check, some very hard work, and faith in God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit

Sisters and brothers, let’s put in some hard work together, and then turn it over to God, our Father in heaven.  And let our faith do the rest!


God’s Blessings and Peace 

Pastor Neil

Pastor Neil’s Office Hours

Tuesday-Wednesday 10:00 am – 3:00 pm


Prayer Request

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