From the Pastor’s Desk… February 2025
Every once and a while, I receive copies of poems, letters, articles, etc. from the members
of our congregation. They are shared with me as things to read, things to ponder, things to
pray for, and things to consider. Last week, Barb Myckowiak shared the following with
me, and I choose to share it with you.
The King of the Jungle
“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,
not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging
one another – and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”
Hebrews 10:24-25 (NIV)
The Caddy Shack Ranch Wildlife Sanctuary in Jacksonville, Florida, provides a permanent home to endangered big cats. Among their exotic rescues are lions, tigers, cougars, bobcats, and servals, as well as non-feline residents. Each animal has its
history displayed for visitors to read and learn more about its situation. Walking through the sanctuary brings visitors up close to the magnificent cats, and staff are always ready to share information
I particularly loved the lions and tigers. But a thought struck me as I viewed these creatures. Why is the lion considered the king of the jungle when the tiger is larger and stronger? I learned that the reason is lions are sociable cats, whereas tigers are not. Unlike the rest of its race, the lion lives in groups. Survival depends on getting along, working, and cooperating with one another. But tigers, being solitary animals, generally do not work in teams. To be successful, they must constantly fight and hunt alone..
This powerful example demonstrates how much stronger Christians are and how much more we can accomplish when we live and work as a united group. God created humans to dwell in communities. Surrounding ourselves with fellow believers encourages and strengthens us and gives us boldness to live out our faith.God never called Christians to be loners. Yet, with the advent of modern technology,many Christians are doing just that. Sitting at home watching a live-streamed, prerecorded, or televised church service is a blessing to those who are physically unable to attend church in person. For many people, though, nothing can take place of communal worship. We need the instruction, fellowship, and exhortation of other Christians. Simply being in the presence of God's people lifts my spirits and helps me realize we are not fighting life's battles alone. After all, Christians are lions not tigers
**This literary piece comes from a devotional book entitled “All God’s Creatures.”.
The message behind this devotion is true. We are a community, called together by God to be the hands, feet, and heart of Jesus Christ. We are “lions” as it is in our nature to be social, to live and work together, and to work for our survival. It is true we depend on one another for strength and love in times of complete joy and fearful sorrow. It is true our lives are made better by being with
one another on Sunday mornings, in our shared ministries and leadership roles, and in our need to be part of something bigger. If there was ever a time to be church, now is that time.
We are church. What a blessing it is to be able to come together to hear God’s word, to participate in the meal that is the body and blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and to gather in our fellowship hall for coffee and cookies. It is a blessing! We are a blessing! You are a blessing!
We are church… and we are blessed. Thanks be to God.
God’s Blessings and Peace
Pastor Neil
Pastor’s Office Schedule for February 2025
As of today, my schedule “in-office” will be: Wednesdays from 9am to 4pm. Of course,
I will be attending team meetings, and I am available throughout the week. Please call me
or text me at 419-303-7718. Thanks