From the Pastor’s Desk… March 2025
Right now, as I compose this letter, we are experiencing a warming trend in our weather.
The sun is out, the breeze is cool, and the snow is melting. Mother nature is giving us a
false sense of security in our weather patterns. We live in Michigan where anything can,
and usually does, happen. Enjoy, my friends while it lasts.
Much like our weather, the church also has trends and Peace is no different. As we look
to the beginning of Lent (Ash Wednesday is March 5th at St. John’s Episcopal Church
beginning at 7:00pm. I’d like to see all of you there!) our trend seems to be heading toward
a decreased attendance on Sunday mornings. All of us have things to do, people to see, and
just want to “stay at home.” Even your Pastor has those days! But we cannot afford to
allow it to happen
I have had a lot of time to reflect on patterns, comments,
suggestions, and yes, even negative comments about the
Sunday morning worship service. Your Worship and
Music team does a phenomenal job of making changes,
etc. to keep our worship services more meaningful
overall. I can count on one hand in the last four years
how many individuals have commented on my
messages, good or bad. We have a dedicated music team
who gather each week to practice and prepare for Sunday
worship. We participate in the meal every week. We
gather as family to give thanks for the blessings of our
lives, yet there is something missing. Our “tree of life”
is shedding its leaves!
Much of today’s discussion about church trends today
indicate the missing component is people, and not programs and ministries. Experts agree
churches are missing the blending of faith, trust, commitment, and spirituality, and the
fulfillment of baptismal covenants. There’s no getting away from it; church attendance
across the board is on a dramatic decline. Peace is no different. Just this month we filed
our annual report which shows our “confirmed” membership in our congregation is 119,
and the average attendance in 2024 for in-person worship attendance is a mere 47. That’s
a difference of 72 members who aren’t attending worship in our sanctuary. And I will state
once again: All of us have things to do, people to see, and just want to “stay at home.”
Even your Pastor has those days! But we cannot afford to allow it to happen.
Personally, I wish I had an answer, but I don’t. What I know is our
door is always open; and the gate swings freely as we are ready to
welcome all. Maybe some of you have ideas and suggestions and
comments as to how we can turn this trend around within our
congregation. If you do, please let one of our council members
know, or feel free to speak with me. I would love to hear from you.
Until then, I leave you with this…
“Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.
Worship the Lord with gladness;
come before him with joyful songs.”
Psalm 100:1-2
God’s Blessings and Peace
Pastor Neil
Pastor’s Office Schedule
As of today, my schedule “in-office” will be: Wednesdays from 9am to 4pm. Of course,
I will be attending team meetings, and I am available throughout the week. Please call me
or text me at 419-303-7718. Thanks